Simply put, with one phone call, we can accurately assess the energy of your space. From our Qi Wellness Centre, we can clear your space fully and fill it with pure, positive energy that will last several months!
Regardless of how many people may have lived in your space before you, their energy can linger long after they’ve moved out.
That means, if someone in the past was often depressed, angry, sick or stressed if there was conflict, chaos or a tragedy in that space somewhere down the line, then those energetic imprints can remain indefinitely.
As well, if someone lived there a long time and later passed either on or off-site, that spirit can sometimes be attached to 'their home' and not appreciate your presence thereby creating an uneasy vibe in your space. Most often, young children and animals are sensitive to the energy of your home.
Even the energy of the land’s history can have an influence. If there was a war on the land you live on, or an unmarked cemetery, that will definitely affect the energy.
A beautiful cottage or new- build, or any place that is often left empty for a period of time, can become a bit of a haven for wandering spirits and no amount of fresh air or paint, sage, bell chiming can clear those imprints or entities long term.
Many luxury homes can appear lavish and elegant to the eye such as the top image on this page. However, energetically, it can feel more like the bottom image, emitting a heavy, stale, or sometimes creepy vibe.
When you hire us to clear a space, from our wellness centre, we can remove invisible, negative energy of all and fill your whole place with a bright, positive, and protective energy.
Once we purify and restore the energy with the frequency of Qi, it can help foster a more creative, prosperous and harmonious environment.