Three Ways to Beat Fatigue
Mar 08, 2024
Are feeling too tired lately? Here are three ways to beat fatigue with the last one being most unique, yet effective.
1. Shift you Schedule: If you're burning the candle on both ends and simply short of sleep, then consider shifting your schedule so that you're not sleep deprived. Alternatively, you can try incorporating cat naps in your busy day. Sometimes closing your eyes for even a 7 minute snooze can help you refresh and renew.
2. Seek Support: Are you faced with a challenge that is all-consuming and draining your energy? There's no need to face it alone. Family, friends, neighbours, counsellors, coaches and countless other professionals are available to help you through.
3. Receive Qi Energy: While there are many types of energy workers and styles of Ki or Chi, if you're looking to literally recharge your internal battery and release energy blockages that are bogging you down, consider booking a Qi Energy Session with Sunkyeong.
As a result of receiving this beautiful frequency of pure positive energy, you're likely to ...
feel revitalized
feel calmer and uplifted
have more clarity
feel more empowered and resilient
sleep better
When you consider what it may be costing you to feel less than your best, you may realize that investing in your wellbeing is well worth it.
Wishing you well and all good things,
The Toronto Sun Kyeong Team
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