
Blogs & Resources

How to Help Your Kids Thrive

ancestor healing anxious kids depressed kids difficult kids healing journey help your kids thrive parenting parenting tips Apr 16, 2024
Have you been wondering how to best help your kids?
There's no shortage of good parenting advice out there... tips, strategies and even counselling can help. 
Yet in truth, it's not always that easy...especially if your chid is struggling with physical or emotional symptoms or if they're unhappy or temperamental. 
Have you been on a healing journey with your kids taking them to doctors, therapists trying medications or different diets? Have you tried taking kids to the chiropractor, acupuncturist, homeopath, naturopath? Perhaps you've tried tapping, breath work, yoga and more.
 When you experience doing Ancestor Healing with a Qi Energy Master, trained by Master Oh, you quickly discover that some of what's affecting your family, is heavy, inherited enery.
We understand that just as with any tree, the health of the roots cannot be independent from the rest of the tree because it's all one unit. But few people realize, that this is also true for our family tree. Issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, addictions, phobias can be easily be affecting your energetically sensitive kids if some ancestors suffered trauma, died at war or endured anxious times.
Clearing some of this energy from the roots of your family tree, is like putting 'miracle grow' on the roots of a tree. Since the health of the roots directly impact the health of the fruits, one very powerful thing you can do to help your kids thrive, is to help clear off some invisible, inherited energetic obstacles through the 21 day process of Ancestor Healing. 
Afterwards, it is so much easier to implement the tips below because there will be more space, peace and harmony within the family.
  • Foster Open Communication
  • Create a supportive atmosphere where your kids feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Listen attentively and empathetically, building trust and rapport to facilitate open dialogue.
  • Encourage independence and accountability
  • Play with your kids
  • Book activities you can enjoy together
  • Empower your kids to take on some responsibilities and make some decisions.
  • Provide guidance and mentorship as they navigate challenges, promoting self-reliance.
  • Model and promote healthy habits such as exercise, adequate sleep, and nutritious eating.
  • Encourage activities that reduce stress such as mindfulness and hobbies.
  • If needed, seek professional support to address concerns promptly and effectively

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