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Fastest Way to Clear Negative Karma

ancestor healing clear karma get rid of karma karma negative karma Apr 15, 2024
Can you believe we are spinning through space and that we're able to beam thoughts across the globe with a simple text? It defies logic yet we are living in magical times, but it doesn't always feel like it... does it?
That's because we all have something that's been passed down generations and carried over many lifetimes...karma.
However, don't despair... because believe it or not, we are also living in such times whereby some of these invisible, energetic obstacles can be cleared. 
Meet Master Oh, a Qi Energy Master who specializes in clearing heavy, inherited energy that may be negatively affecting your relationships, health, family or finances!
Through a transformative process called Ancestor Healing, Master Oh can transmit a unique frequency called Qi energy to specific generational lines, allowing them to brighten vibrationally.
Just as with any tree, when the roots get healthier, the tree can flourish and flower in ways you never expected.
And here's the exciting part - Master Oh is travelling the globe and soon coming to Toronto! You're invited to spend two whole days with him, where he'll guide you through this journey towards feeling calmer and happier.

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